
Ar-Ra`d (The Thunder)

    The Tafsir of Surat Ar-Ra`d

    (Chapter -13)

    Which was revealed in Makkah
    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.(1. Alif Lam-Mim Ra. These are the verses of the Book (the Qur`an), and that which has been revealed unto you from your Lord is the truth, but most men believe not.)

    The Qur`an is Allah`s Kalam (Speech)
    We talked before, in the beginning of Surat Al-Baqarah (chapter 2) about the meaning of the letters that appear in the beginnings of some chapters in the Qur`an. We stated that every Surah that starts with separate letters, affirms that the Qur`an is miraculous and is an evidence that it is a revelation from Allah, and that there is no doubt or denying in this fact. This is why Allah said next,(These are the verses of the Book), the Qur`an, which Allah described afterwards,(and that which has been revealed unto you), O Muhammad,(from your Lord is the truth,) Allah said next,(but most men believe not.) just as He said in another Ayah,(And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly.) ﴿12:103﴾ Allah declares that even after this clear, plain and unequivocal explanation (the Qur`an), most men will still not believe, due to their rebellion, stubbornness and hypocrisy.(2. Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then, He rose above (Istawa) the `Arsh ﴿Throne﴾. He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running (its course) for a term appointed. He manages and regulates all affairs; He explains the Ayat in detail, that you may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.)

    Clarifying Allah`s Perfect Ability
    Allah mentions His perfect ability and infinite authority, since it is He Who has raised the heavens without pillars by His permission and order. He, by His leave, order and power, has elevated the heavens high above the earth, distant and far away from reach. The heaven nearest to the present world encompasses the earth from all directions, and is also high above it from every direction. The distance between the first heaven and the earth is five hundred years from every direction, and its thickness is also five hundred years. The second heaven surrounds the first heaven from every direction, encompassing everything that the latter carries, with a thickness also of five hundred years and a distance between them of five hundred years. The same is also true about the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh heavens. Allah said,(It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof.) ﴿65:12﴾ Allah said next,(..without any pillars that you can see.) meaning, `there are pillars, but you cannot see them,` according to Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, and several other scholars. Iyas bin Mu`awiyah said, "The heaven is like a dome over the earth,`` meaning, without pillars. Similar was reported from Qatadah, and this meaning is better for this part of the Ayah, especially since Allah said in another Ayah,(He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except by His permission. )﴿22:65﴾ Therefore, Allah`s statement,(..that you can see), affirms that there are no pillars. Rather, the heaven is elevated (above the earth) without pillars, as you see. This meaning best affirms Allah`s ability and power.

    Al-Istawa`, Rising above the Throne
    Allah said next,(Then, He rose above (Istawa) the Throne.) We explained the meaning of the Istawa` in Surat Al-A`raf (7:54), and stated that it should be accepted as it is without altering, equating, annulling its meaning, or attempts to explain its true nature. Allah is glorified and praised from all that they attribute to Him.

    Allah subjected the Sun and the Moon to rotate continuously
    Allah said,(He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running (its course) for a term appointed.) It was said that the sun and the moon continue their course until they cease doing so upon the commencement of the Final Hour, as Allah stated,(And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed).)﴿36:38﴾ It was also said that the meaning is: until they settle under the Throne of Allah after passing the other side of the earth. So when they, and the rest of the planetary bodies reach there, they are at the furthest distance from the Throne. Because according to the correct view, which the texts prove, it is shaped like a domb, under which is all of the creation. It is not circular like the celestial bodies, because it has pillars by which it is carried. This fact is clear to those who correctly understand the Ayat and authentic Hadiths. All the (praise is due to) Allah and all the favors are from Him. Allah mentioned the sun and the moon here because they are among the brightest seven heavenly objects. Therefore, if Allah subjected these to His power, then it is clear that He has also subjected all other heavenly objects. Allah said in other Ayat,(Prostrate yourselves not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate yourselves to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.) ﴿41:37﴾ and,(And (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His command. Surely, His is the creation and commandment. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of all that exists!) ﴿7:54﴾ Allah`s statement next,(He explains the Ayat in detail, that you may believe with certainty in the Meeting with your Lord.) means, He explains the signs and clear evidences that testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. These evidences prove that He will resurrect creation if He wills, just as He started it.(3. And it is He Who spread out the earth, and placed therein firm mountains and rivers and of every kind of fruit He made Zawjayn Ithnayn (two in pairs). He brings the night as a cover over the day. Verily, in these things, there are Ayat (signs) for people who reflect. ) (4. And in the earth are neighboring tracts, and gardens of vines, and green crops (fields), and date palms, growing into two or three from a single stem root, or otherwise, watered with the same water; yet some of them We make more excellent than others to eat. Verily, in these things there are Ayat (signs) for the people who understand.)

    Allah`s Signs on the Earth
    After Allah mentioned the higher worlds, He started asserting His power, wisdom and control over the lower parts of the world. Allah said,(And it is He Who spread out the earth) made it spacious in length and width. Allah has placed on the earth firm mountains and made rivers, springs and water streams run through it, so that the various kinds of fruits and plants of every color, shape, taste and scent are watered with this water,(and of every kind of fruit He made Zawjayn Ithnayn.), two types from every kind of fruit,(He brings the night as a cover over the day.) Allah made the day and night pursue each other, when one is about to depart, the other overcomes it, and vice versa. Allah controls time just as He controls space and matter,(Verily, in these things, there are Ayat for people who reflect.) who reflect on Allah`s signs and the evidences of His wisdom. Allah said,(And in the earth are neighboring tracts, ) Meaning, next to each other, some of them are fertile and produce what benefits people, while others are dead, salty and do not produce anything. This meaning was collected from Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ad-Dahhak and several others. This also covers the various colors and types of diverse areas on the earth; some red, some white, or yellow, or black, some are stony, or flat, or sandy, or thick, or thin, all made to neighbor each other while preserving their own qualities. All this indicates the existence of the Creator Who does what He wills, there is no deity or lord except Him. Allah said next,(and gardens of vines, and green crops (fields), and date palms...) Allah`s statement, next,(Sinwanun wa (or) Ghayru Sinwan.) `Sinwan` means, growing into two or three from a single stem, such as figs, pomegranate and dates. `Ghayru Sinwan` means, having one stem for every tree, as is the case with most plants. From this meaning, the paternal uncle is called one`s `Sinw` of his father. There is an authentic Hadith that states that the Messenger of Allah said to `Umar bin Al-Khattab,(Do you not know that man`s paternal uncle is the Sinw of his father) Allah said next,(watered with the same water; yet some of them We make more excellent than others to eat.) Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet commented on Allah`s statement,(yet some of them We make more excellent than others to eat.)(The Dagal, the Persian, the sweet, the bitter...``) At-Tirmidhi collected this Hadith and said, "Hasan Gharib.`` Therefore, there are differences between plants and fruits with regards to shape, color, taste, scent, blossoms and the shape of their leaves. There are plants that are very sweet or sour, bitter or mild, fresh; some plants have a combination of these attributes, and the taste then changes and becomes another taste, by Allah`s will. There is also some that are yellow in color, or red, or white, or black, or blue, and the same can be said about their flowers; and all these variances and complex diversities are watered by the same water. Surely, in this there are signs for those who have sound reasoning, and surely, all this indicates the existence of the Creator Who does what He wills and Whose power made distinctions between various things and created them as He wills. So Allah said,(Verily, in these things there are Ayat for the people who understand.)(5. And if you wonder, then wondrous is their saying: "When we are dust, shall we indeed then be (raised) in a new creation`` They are those who disbelieved in their Lord! They are those who will have iron chains linking their hands to their necks. They will be dwellers of the Fire to abide therein forever.)

    Denying Resurrection after Death, is Strange
    Allah says to His Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,(And if you wonder.) at the rejection of the polytheists who deny Resurrection, even though they witness Allah`s signs and evidences that He made in His creation which testify that He is able to do everything. Yet, they admit that Allah originated the creation of all things and brought them into existence after they were nothing. However, they deny Allah`s claim that He will resurrect the world anew, even though they admit to what is more amazing than what they deny and reject. Therefore, it is amazing that they said,(When we are dust, shall we indeed then be (raised) in a new creation) It is an obvious fact to every sane and knowledgeable person that creating the heavens and earth is a greater feat than creating men, and that He Who has originated creation is more able to resurrect it anew,(Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and was not wearied by their creation, is able to give life to the dead Yes, He surely is able to do all things)﴿46:33﴾ Allah described those who deny Resurrection,(They are those who disbelieved in their Lord! They are those who will have iron chains linking their hands to their necks. ) They will be dragged in the Fire by these chains,(They will be dwellers of the Fire to abide therein forever.), for they will remain in Hell forever and will never escape it or be removed from it.(6. They ask you to hasten the evil before the good, while exemplary punishments have indeed occurred before them. But verily, your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind, in spite of their wrongdoing. And verily, your Lord is (also) severe in punishment.)

    The Disbelievers ask for the Punishment to be delivered now!
    Allah said,(They ask you to hasten), in reference to the disbelievers,(the evil before the good,) meaning, the punishment. Allah said in other Ayat that they said,(And they say: "O you to whom the Dhikr (the Qur`an) has been sent down! Verily, you are a mad man! Why do you not bring angels to us if you are of the truthful`` We send not the angels down except with the truth (i.e. for torment), and in that case, they (the disbelieves) would have no respite!)﴿15:6-8﴾, and two Ayat;(And they ask you to hasten on the torment!)﴿29:53-54﴾ Allah also said,(A questioner asked concerning a torment about to befall.) ﴿70:1﴾,(Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe are fearful of it, and know that it is the very truth.)﴿42:18﴾, and,(They say: "Our Lord! Hasten to us Qittana.)﴿38:16﴾, meaning, our due torment and reckoning. Allah said that they also supplicated,(And (remember) when they said: "O Allah! If this (the Qur`an) is indeed the truth from You.)﴿8:32﴾ They were such rebellious, stubborn disbelievers that they asked the Messenger to bring them Allah`s torment. Allah replied,(while exemplary punishments have indeed occurred before them.) Meaning, `We have exerted Our punishment on the previous disbelieving nations, and made them a lesson and example for those who might take heed from their destruction.` If it was not for His forbearance and forgiveness, Allah would have indeed punished them sooner. Allah said in another Ayah,(And if Allah were to punish men for that which they earned, He would not leave a moving creature on the surface of the earth.)﴿35:45﴾ Allah said in this honorable Ayah,(But verily, your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind in spite of their wrongdoing.) He is full of forgiveness, pardoning and covering the mistakes of people, in spite of their wrongdoing and the errors committed night and day. Allah next reminds that His punishment is severe, so that fear and hope are both addressed and mentioned. Allah said in other Ayat,(If they belie you, say: "Your Lord is the Owner of vast mercy, and never will His wrath be turned back from the people who are criminals.``)﴿6:147﴾(Verily, your Lord is quick in retribution and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.)﴿7:167﴾, and,(Declare unto My servants that truly I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. And that My torment is indeed the most painful torment.)﴿15:49-50﴾ There are many other Ayat that mention both fear and hope.(7. And the disbelievers say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord`` You are only a warner, and to every people there is a guide.)

    The Idolators ask for a Miracle
    Allah states that out of their disbelief and stubbornness, the idolators asked why is not a miracle sent down to the Messenger from his Lord, just like the earlier Messengers For instance, the disbelievers were being stubborn when they asked the Prophet to turn As-Safa into gold, to remove the mountains from around them, and to replace them with green fields and rivers. Allah said,(And nothing stops Us from sending the Ayat but that the people of old denied them.)﴿17:59﴾ Allah said here,(You are only a warner), and your duty is only to convey Allah`s Message which He has ordered you,(Not upon you is their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills.)﴿2:272﴾ Allah said;(And to every people there is a guide.) meaning that for every people there has been a caller, according to Ibn `Abbas and as narrated from him by Ali bin Abi Talhah. Allah said in a similar Ayah, a(And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them.)﴿35:24﴾ Similar has reported from Qatadah and `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd.(8. Allah knows what every female bears, and by how much the wombs fall short (of their time or number) or exceed. Everything with Him is in (due) proportion.) (9. All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Most Great, the Most High.)

    Allah is All-Knower of Al-Ghayb (Unseen)
    Allah affirms His perfect knowledge, from which nothing is hidden, and that He has complete knowledge of whatever every female creature is carrying,(And He knows that which is in the wombs.)﴿31:34﴾, whether male or female, fair or ugly, miserable or happy, whether it will have a long or a short life. Allah said in other Ayat,(He knows you well when He created you from the earth, and when you were fetuses.)﴿53:32﴾, and,(He creates you in the wombs of your mother: creation after creation in three veils of darkness.)﴿39:6﴾ meaning stage after stage. Allah also said,(And indeed We created man out of an extract of clay. Thereafter We made him as a Nutfah in a safe lodging. Then We made the Nutfah into a clot, then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of creators.)﴿23:12-14﴾ In the two Sahihs it is recorded that `Abdullah bin Mas`ud said that the Messenger of Allah said,(The matter of the creation of one of you is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his provisions, his life span, his deeds, and whether he will be blessed or wretched.``) In another Hadith, the Prophet said,(Then the angel asks, "O my Lord! Is it a male or a female, miserable or happy, what is its provisions and life span`` Allah then ordains and the angel records it.) Allah said next,(and by how much the wombs fall short or exceed.) Al-Bukhari recorded that `Abdullah bin `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,(The Keys of the Ghayb (unseen knowledge) are five, nobody knows them but Allah. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow except Allah; nobody knows what is in the womb except Allah; nobody knows when it will rain except Allah; no soul knows at what place he will die except Allah; and nobody knows when the (Final) Hour will begin except Allah.) Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas that he said,(and by how much the wombs fall short), this refers to miscarriages,(or exceed), this refers to carrying her fetus in her womb for the full term. Some women carry their fetus for ten months, while others for nine months. Some terms are longer or shorter than others. This is the falling short or exceeding that Allah the Exalted mentioned, and all this occurs by His knowledge.`` Qatadah commented on Allah`s statement,(Everything with Him is in proportion.) "For a term appointed. Allah has the records of the provisions and terms of His creation and made an appointed term for everything.`` An authentic Hadith mentioned that one of the Prophet`s daughters sent (a messenger) to him requesting him to come as her child was dying, but the Prophet returned the messenger and told him to say to her,(Verily, whatever Allah takes is for Him and whatever He gives is for Him, and everything with Him has a limited fixed term (in this world), and so she should be patient and hope for Allah`s reward.) Allah said next,(All-Knower of the Ghayb (the unseen) and the Shahadah (the witnessable),) Who knows everything that the servants see and all what they cannot see, and none of it ever escapes His knowledge,(the Most Great), greater than everything,(the Most High.) above everything,((Allah) surrounds all things in (His) knowledge.)﴿65:12﴾, and has full power over all things, the necks are under His control and the servants are subservient to Him, willingly or unwillingly.(10. It is the same (to Him) whether any of you conceals his speech or declares it openly, whether he be hid by night or goes forth freely by day.) (11. For him (each person), there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by the command of Allah. Verily, Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves. But when Allah wills a people`s punishment, there can be no turning it back, and they will find besides Him no protector.)

    Allah`s Knowledge encompasses all Things Apparent and Hidden
    Allah declares that His knowledge is encompassing all of His creation, those who declare their speech or hide it, He hears it and nothing of it ever escapes His observation. Allah said in other Ayat,(And if you speak aloud, then verily, He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden.)﴿20:7﴾, and,(And (Allah) knows what you conceal and what you reveal.) `A`ishah said, "All praise is due to Allah Whose hearing has encompassed all voices! By Allah, she who came to complain about her husband to the Messenger of Allah was speaking while I was in another part of the room, yet I did not hear some of what she said. Allah sent down,(Indeed Allah has heard the statement of her that disputes with you concerning her husband and complains to Allah. And Allah hears the argument between you both. Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.)﴿58:1﴾ Allah said next,(whether he be hid by night), in his house in the darkness of the night,(or goes forth freely by day.) moves about during the daylight; both are encompassed by Allah`s knowledge. Allah said in other Ayat,(Surely, even when they cover themselves with their garments.) ﴿11:5﴾, and,(Neither you do any deed nor recite any portion of the Qur`an nor you do any deed, but We are witness thereof when you are doing it. And nothing is hidden from your Lord (so much as) the a speck of dust on the earth or in the heaven. Not what is less than that or what is greater than that but is (written) in a Clear Record.)﴿10:61﴾

    The Guardian Angels
    Allah said next,(For him (each person), there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by the command of Allah.) Allah states that there are angels who take turns guarding each servant, some by night and some by day. These angels protect each person from harm and accidents. There are also angels who take turns recording the good and evil deeds, some angels do this by day and some by night. There are two angels, one to the right and one to the left of each person, recording the deeds. The angel to the right records the good deeds, while the angel to the left records the evil deeds. There are also two angels that guard and protect each person, one from the back and one from in front. Therefore, there are four angels that surround each person by day and they are replaced by four others at night, two scribes and two guards. An authentic Hadith states,(Angels take turns around you, some at night and some by day, and all of them assemble together at the time of the Fajr and `Asr prayers. Then those who have stayed with you throughout the night, ascend to Allah Who asks them, and He knows the answer better than they about you, "How have you left My servants`` They reply, "As we have found them praying, we have left them praying.``) Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah said,(Verily, every one among you has his companion from the Jinn and his companion from the angels.``) They said, "And you too, O Allah`s Messenger`` He said,(And I too, except that Allah has helped me against him, so he only orders me to do good.) Muslim collected this Hadith. Ibn Abi Hatim narrated that Ibrahim said, "Allah revealed to a Prophet from among the Children of Israel, `Say to your nation: every people of a village or a house who used to obey Allah but changed their behavior to disobeying Him, then He will take away from them what they like and exchange it for what they dislike.`` Ibrahim next said that this statement has proof in Allah`s Book,(Verily, Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves.)(12. It is He Who shows you the lightning, as a fear and as a hope. And it is He Who brings up the clouds, heavy (with water).) (13. And Ar-Ra`d (thunder) glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels because of His awe. He sends the thunderbolts, and therewith He strikes whom He wills, yet they (disbelievers) dispute about Allah. And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment.)

    Clouds, Thunder and Lightning are Signs of Allah`s Power
    Allah states that He has full power over Al-Barq (lightning), which is the bright light that originates from within clouds. Ibn Jarir recorded that Ibn `Abbas once wrote to Abu Al-Jald asking about the meaning of Al-Barq, and he said that it is water. Qatadah commented on Allah`s statement,(as a fear and as a hope.) "Fear for travelers, for they feel afraid of its harm and hardship, and hope for residents, awaiting its blessing and benefit and anticipating Allah`s provisions.`` Allah said next,(And it is He Who brings up the clouds, heavy.) meaning, He originates the clouds that are heavy and close to the ground because of being laden with rain. Mujahid said that this part of the Ayah is about clouds that are heavy with rain. Allah`s statement,(And Ar-Ra`d (thunder) glorifies and praises Him), is similar to His other statement,(And there is not a thing but glorifies His praise.) ﴿17:44﴾ Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibrahim bin Sa`d said, "My father told me that he was sitting next to Hamid bin `Abdur Rahman in the Masjid. A man from the tribe of Ghifar passed and Hamid sent someone to him to please come to them. When he came, Hamid said to me, `My nephew! Make space for him between me and you, for he had accompanied Allah`s Messenger .` When that man came, he sat between me and Hamid and Hamid said to him, `What was the Hadith that you narrated to me from the Messenger of Allah ` He said, `A man from Ghifar said that he heard the Prophet say, i(Verily, Allah originates the clouds, and they speak in the most beautiful voice and laugh in the most beautiful manner.) It appears, and Allah has the best knowledge, that the cloud`s voice is in reference to thunder and its laughter is the lightning. Musa bin `Ubaydah narrated that Sa`d bin Ibrahim said, "Allah sends the rain and indeed, none has a better smile than it, nor more comforting voice. Its smile is lightning and its voice is thunder.``

    Supplicating to Allah upon hearing Ar-Ra`d (Thunder)
    Imam Ahmad recorded that Salim bin `Abdullah narrated that his father said that the Messenger of Allah used to say upon hearing the thunder and thunderbolts,(O Allah! Do not kill us with Your anger, nor destroy us with Your torment, and save us before that.`` This Hadith was recorded by At-Tirmidhi, Al-Bukhari in his book Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, An-Nasa`i in `Amal Al-Yawm wal-Laylah, and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak. When `Abdullah bin Az-Zubayr used to hear thunder, he would stop talking and would supplicate, "All praise is to He Whom Ar-Ra`d (thunder) glorifies and praises, and so do the angels because of His awe.`` He would then say, "This is a stern warning to the people of earth.`` Malik collected this Hadith in Al-Muwatta`, and Al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,(Your Lord, the Exalted and Most High, said, `Had My servants obeyed Me, I would have given them rain by night and the sun by day, and would not have made them hear the sound of the Ra`d (thunder).`) Allah`s statement,(He sends the thunderbolts, and therewith He strikes whom He wills,) indicates that He sends thunderbolts as punishment upon whom He wills, and this is why thunderbolts increase as time comes to an end. Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Qasim At-Tabarani narrated that Ibn `Abbas said that Arbad bin Qays bin Juzu` bin Julayd bin Ja`far bin Kulab, and `Amir bin At-Tufayl bin Malik came to Al-Madinah to the Messenger of Allah and sat where he was sitting. `Amir bin At-Tufayl said, "O Muhammad! What will you give me if I embrace Islam`` The Messenger of Allah said,(You will have the rights and duties of all Muslims.) `Amir bin At-Tufayl said, "Will you make me your successor if I embrace Islam`` The Messenger of Allah said,(That is not your right, nor your people`s right. However, I could appoint you a commander of the horsemen (i.e., war).) `Amir said, "I am already the commander of the horsemen of Najd (in the north of Arabia). Give me control over the desert and you keep the cities.`` The Messenger of Allah refused. When these two men were leaving the Messenger of Allah , `Amir said, "By Allah! I will fill it (Al-Madinah) with horses and men (hostile to Muslims).`` The Messenger of Allah replied,(Rather, Allah will prevent you. ) When `Amir and Arbad left, `Amir said, "O Arbad! I will keep Muhammad busy while talking to him, so you can strike him with the sword. Verily, if you kill Muhammad, the people (Muslims) will agree to take blood money and will hate to wage war over his murder. Then we will give them the blood money.`` Arbad said, "I will do that,`` and they went back to the Messenger . `Amir said, "O Muhammad! Stand next to me so that I can talk to you.`` The Messenger stood up, and they both stood next to a wall talking to each other. Arbad wanted to grab his sword, but his hand froze when it touched the sword`s handle and he could not take the sword out of its sheath. Arbad did not strike the Messenger as `Amir suggested, and the Messenger of Allah looked at Arbad and realized what he was doing, so he departed. When Arbad and `Amir left the Messenger of Allah and arrived at Al-Harrah of Waqim area, they dismounted from their horses. However, Sa`d bin Mu`adh and Usayd bin Hudayr came out saying, "Come, O enemies of Allah! May Allah curse you.`` `Amir asked, "Who is this with you, O Sa`d`` Sa`d said, "This is Usayd bin Hudayr.`` They fled until they reached the Riqm area, where Allah struck Arbad with a bolt of lightning and he met his demise. As for `Amir, he went on until he reached the Kharim area, where Allah sent an open ulcer that struck him. During that night, `Amir took refuge in a woman`s house, from Banu Salul. `Amir kept touching his open ulcer and saying, "An ulcer as big as a camel`s hump, while I am at the house of a woman from Bani Salul, seeking to bring my death in her house!`` He rode his horse, but he died while riding it headed to his area. Allah sent down these Ayat (13:8-11) in their case,(Allah knows what every female bears) until,(..and they will find besides Him no protector.) Ibn `Abbas commented, "The angels in succession, guard Muhammad, peace be upon him, by the command of Allah.`` He next mentioned the demise of Arbad by Allah`s command, reciting this Ayah,(He sends the thunderbolts,)`` Allah said next,(yet they (disbelievers) dispute about Allah.) they doubt Allah`s greatness and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him,(And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment.) Allah`s torment is severe against those who rebel against Him, defy Him and persist in disbelief, according to the Tafsir of Ibn Jarir At-Tabari. There is a similar Ayah in the Qur`an,(So they plotted a plot, and We planned a plan, while they perceived not. Then see how was the end of their plot! Verily, We destroyed them and their nation all together.)﴿27:50-51﴾ `Ali bin Abi Talib said that,(And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment (Al-Mihal)), means, His punishment is severe.(14. For Him is the Word of Truth. And those whom they invoke besides Him, answer them no more than one who stretches forth his hand for water to reach his mouth, but it reaches him not; and the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but misguidance.)

    A Parable for the Weakness of the False Gods of the Polytheists
    `Ali bin Abi Talib said that Allah`s statement,(For Him is the Word of Truth.) is in reference to Tawhid, according to Ibn Jarir At-Tabari. Ibn `Abbas, Qatadah, and Malik who narrated it from Muhammad bin Al-Munkadir, said that,(For Him is the Word of Truth.) means, "La ilaha illallah.`` Allah said next,(And those whom they invoke besides Him...), meaning, the example of those who worship others besides Allah,(like one who stretches forth his hand for water to reach his mouth,) `Ali bin Abi Talib commented, "Like he who stretches his hand on the edge of a deep well to reach the water, even though his hands do not reach it; so how can the water reach his mouth`` Mujahid said about,(like one who stretches forth his hand) "Calling the water with his words and pointing at it, but it will never come to him this way.`` The meaning of this Ayah is that he who stretches his hand to water from far away, to either collect some or draw some from far away, will not benefit from the water which will not reach his mouth, where water should be consumed. Likewise, those idolators who call another deity besides Allah, will never benefit from these deities in this life or the Hereafter, hence Allah`s statement,(and the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but misguidance.)(15. And unto Allah falls in prostration whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows in the mornings and in the afternoons.)

    Everything prostrates unto Allah
    Allah affirms His might and power, for He has full control over everything, and everything is subservient to Him. Therefore, everything, including the believers, prostrate to Allah willingly, while the disbelievers do so unwillingly,(and so do their shadows in the mornings), in the beginning of the days,(and in the afternoons.) towards the end of the days. Allah said in another Ayah,(Have they not observed things that Allah has created: (how) their shadows incline.) ﴿16:48﴾(16. Say: "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth`` Say: "(It is) Allah.`` Say: "Have you then taken (for worship) Awliya` (protectors) other than Him, such as have no power either for benefit or for harm to themselves`` Say: "Is the blind equal to the one who sees Or darkness equal to light Or do they assign to Allah partners who created the like of His creation, so that the creation seemed alike to them`` Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things; and He is the One, the Irresistible.``)

    Affirming Tawhid
    Allah affirms here that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him, since they admit that He alone created the heavens and the earth and that He is their Lord and the Disposer of all affairs. Yet, they take as lords others besides Allah and worship them, even though these false gods do not have the power to benefit or harm themselves, or those who worship them. Therefore, the polytheists will not benefit or have harm removed from them by these false deities. Are those who worship the false deities instead of Allah equal to those who worship Him alone, without partners, and thus have a light from their Lord This is why Allah said here,(Say: "Is the blind equal to the one who sees Or darkness equal to light Or do they assign to Allah partners who created the like of His creation, so that the creations seemed alike to them``) Allah asks, `Do these polytheists worship gods besides Him that rival Him in what He created Have their false deities created similar creations to those Allah created and, thus, they are confused between the two types of creations, not knowing which was created by others besides Allah` Rather, the Ayah proves that the truth is nothing like this. There is none similar to Allah, nor does He have an equal, a rival, anyone like Him, a minister, a son, or a wife. Allah is glorified in that He is far away from all that is ascribed to Him. These idolators worship gods that they themselves admit were created by Allah and are subservient to Him. They used to say during their Talbiyah: "Here we rush to Your obedience. There is no partner for You, except Your partner, You own him and he owns not.`` Allah also mentioned their polytheistic statements in other Ayat,(We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.) ﴿39:3﴾ Allah admonished them for this false creed, stating that only those whom He chooses are allowed to intercede with Him,(Intercession with Him profits not except for him whom He permits.) ﴿34:23﴾(And there are many angels in the heavens.....)﴿53:26﴾, and,(There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Gracious (Allah) as a servant. Verily, He knows each one of them, and has counted them a full counting. And everyone of them will come to Him alone on the Day of Resurrection.) ﴿19:93-95﴾ If all are Allah`s servants, then why do any of them worships each other without proof or evidence that allows them to do so Rather, they rely on sheer opinion and innovation in the religion, even though Allah has sent all of His Prophets and Messengers, from beginning to end, prohibiting this practice (polytheism) and ordering them to refrain from worshipping others besides Allah. They defied their Messengers and rebelled against them, and this is why the word of punishment struck them as a worthy recompense, e(And your Lord treats no one with injustice) ﴿18:49﴾(17. He sends down water from the sky, and the valleys flow according to their measure, but the flood bears away the foam that mounts up to the surface - and (also) from that (ore) which they heat in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils, rises a foam like unto it, thus does Allah (by parables) show forth truth and falsehood. Then, as for the foam it passes away as scum upon the banks, while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth. Thus Allah sets forth parables.)

    Two Parables proving that Truth remains and Falsehood perishes
    This honorable Ayah contains two parables which affirm that truth remains and increases, while falsehood diminishes and perishes. Allah said,(He sends down water from the sky,) He sends rain,(and the valleys flow according to their measure,) each valley taking its share according to its capacity, for some valleys are wider and can retain more water than others which are small and thus retain smaller measures of water. This Ayah indicates that hearts differ, for some of them can retain substantial knowledge while others cannot entertain knowledge, but rather are bothered by knowledge,(but the flood bears away the foam that mounts up to the surface) of the water that ran down the valleys; this is the first parable. Allah said next,(and (also) from that (ore) which they heat in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils...) This is the second parable, whereas gold and silver ore is heated with fire to make adornments with it, and iron and copper ore are heated to make pots and the like with it. Foam also rises to the surface of these ores, just as in the case with water,(thus does Allah (by parables) show forth truth and falsehood.) when they both exist, falsehood does not remain, just as foam does not remain with the water or the gold and silver ores which are heated in fire. Rather, foam dissipates and vanishes,(Then, as for the foam it passes away as scum upon the banks,) for it carries no benefit and dissipates and scatters on the banks of the valley. The foam also sticks to trees or is dissipated by wind, just as the case with the scum that rises on the surface of gold, silver, iron and copper ores; it all goes away and never returns. However, water, gold and silver remain and are used to man`s benefit. This is why Allah said next,(while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth. Thus Allah sets forth parables.) Allah said in a similar Ayah,(And these similitudes We put forward for mankind; but none will understand them except those who have knowledge.) ﴿29:43﴾ Some of the Salaf (rightly guided ancestors) said, "When I would read a parable in the Qur`an that I could not comprehend, I would cry for myself because Allah the Exalted says,(But none will understand them except those who have knowledge.)`` ﴿29:43﴾ `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that `Abdullah bin `Abbas commented on Allah`s statement,(He sends down water from the sky, and the valleys flow according to their measure,) "This is a parable that Allah has set; the hearts carry knowledge from Him, and certainty according to the amount of doubt. As for doubt, working good deeds does not benefit while it exists. As for certainty, Allah benefits its people by it, hence Allah`s statement,(Then, as for the foam), which refers to doubt,(it passes away as scum upon the banks, while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth.) in reference to certainty. And just as when jewelry is heated in fire and is rid of its impurity, which remains in the fire, similarly Allah accepts certainty and discards doubt.``

    The Qur`an and the Sunnah contain Parables that use Water and Fire
    Allah has set two examples in the beginning of Surat Al-Baqarah (chapter 2) about the hypocrites, one using fire and another using water. Allah said,(Their likeness is as the likeness of one who kindled a fire; then, when it illuminated all around him.) ﴿2:17﴾ then He said,(Or like a rainstorm in the sky, bringing darkness, thunder, and lightning.) ﴿2:19﴾ Allah also has set two parables for the disbelievers in Surat An-Nur (chapter 24), one of them is,(As for those who disbelieved, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert.)﴿24:39﴾ The mirage occurs during intense heat. It is recorded in the Two Sahihs that the Messenger of Allah said,(It will be said to the Jews on the Day of Resurrection, "What do you desire`` They will reply, "We need to drink, for we have become thirsty, O our Lord!`` It will be said, "Will you then proceed to drink,`` and they will head towards the Fire, which will appear as a mirage, its various parts consuming the other parts.``) Allah said in the second parable (in Surat An-Nur);(Or is like the darkness in a vast deep sea.)﴿24:40﴾ In the Two Sahihs it is recorded that Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari said that the Messenger of Allah said,(The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me is like abundant rain falling on the earth, some of which was fertile soil that absorbed the rain water and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. And another portion of it was hard, it held the rain water and Allah benefited the people with it and they utilized it for drinking, grazing, making their animals drink from it and for irrigation purposes. And another portion of it fell on barren land, which could neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation. The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah`s religion and gets benefit, as well as benefiting others (from the knowledge and guidance) which Allah has revealed through me and learns and then teaches others. The last example is that of a person who does not care for it and does not embrace Allah`s guidance revealed through me.) This parable uses water in it. In another Hadith that Imam Ahmad collected, Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,(My example and the example of you is like that of a person who lit a fire. When the fire illuminated his surroundings, butterflies and insects started falling into it, as they usually do, and he started swatting at them to prevent them from falling; but they overwhelmed him and kept falling into the fire. This is the parable of me and you, I am holding you by the waist trying to save you from the Fire, saying, "Go away from the Fire,`` yet you overwhelm me and fall into it.) The Two Sahihs also collected this Hadith. This is a parable using fire.(18. For those who answered their Lord`s call is Al-Husna. But those who answered not His call, if they had all that is in the earth together with its like, they would offer it in order to save themselves. For them there will be the terrible reckoning. Their dwelling place will be Hell; and worst indeed is that place for rest.)

    Reward of the Blessed and Wretched Ones
    Allah mentions the final destination of the blessed ones and the wretched ones,(For those who answered their Lord`s call) obeyed Allah and followed His Messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him) by obeying his commands and believing in the narrations he brought about the past and the future, theirs will be,(Al-Husna), which is the good reward. Allah said that Dhul-Qarnayn declared,(As for him who does wrong, we shall punish him, and then he will be brought back unto his Lord, Who will punish him with a terrible torment (Hell). But as for him who believes and works righteousness, he shall have the best reward (Al-Husna), and we shall speak unto him mild words by our command)﴿18: 87-88﴾ Allah said in another Ayah,(For those who have done good is the best (Al-Husna) and even more.) ﴿10: 26﴾ Allah said next,(But those who answered not His call,) disobeyed Allah,(if they had all that is in the earth together) meaning, in the Hereafter. This Ayah says: Had the earth`s fill of gold and its like with it, they would try to ransom themselves from Allah`s torment at that time. However, this will not be accepted from them. Verily, Allah the Exalted will not accept any type of exchange from,(For them there will be the terrible reckoning.) in the Hereafter, when they will be reckoned for the Naqir and the Qitmir, the big and the small. Verily, he who is reckoned in detail on that Day will receive punishment, hence Allah`s statement next,(Their dwelling place will be Hell; and worst indeed is that place for rest.)(19. Shall he then who knows that what has been revealed unto you from your Lord is the truth, be like him who is blind But it is only the men of understanding that pay heed.)

    The Believer and the Disbeliever are never Equal
    Allah says, `They could never be equal; those among people who know that what,(has been revealed unto you), O Muhammad,(from your Lord) is the truth about which there is no doubt and in which there is no confusion, vagueness or contradiction. Rather, they believe that all of it is the truth, each part of it testifying to another. They believe that none of its parts contradicts the others, that all its information is true and that all its commandments and prohibitions are just,(And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice.) ﴿6:15﴾ It is accurate in its information and stories and just in what it orders. Therefore, the Ayah says, those who believe in the truth that you brought, O Muhammad, are not at all similar to those who are blind and cannot find guidance to what benefits them, which they cannot even comprehend. And even if they comprehend the guidance, they will not follow it, believe in it or abide by it.` Allah said in another Ayah,(Not equal are the dwellers of the Fire and the dwellers of the Paradise. It is the dwellers of Paradise that will be successful.) ﴿59:20﴾ Allah said in this honorable Ayah,(Shall he then who knows that what has been revealed unto you from your Lord is the truth, be like him who is blind) They are not equal. Allah said next,(But it is only the men of understanding that pay heed.) meaning, it is those who have sound minds who draw lessons, gain wisdom and understand. We ask Allah to make us among them.=(20. Those who fulfill, the covenant of Allah and break not the trust.) (21. And those who join that which Allah has commanded to be joined and fear their Lord, and dread the terrible reckoning. ) (22. And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord`s Face, perform the Salah, and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good, for such there is a good end.) (23. `Adn Gardens, which they shall enter and (also) those who acted righteously from among their fathers, and their wives, and their offspring. And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying):) (24. "Salamun `Alaykum (peace be upon you) for you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!``)

    Qualities of the Blessed Ones, which will lead to Paradise
    Allah states that those who have these good qualities, will earn the good, final home: victory and triumph in this life and the Hereafter,(Those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and break not the trust.) They are nothing like the hypocrites who when one of them makes a covenant, he breaks it; if he disputes, he is most quarrelsome; if he speaks, he lies; and if he is entrusted, he betrays his trust. Allah said next,(And those who join that which Allah has commanded to be joined) they are good to their relatives and do not sever the bond of kinship. They are also kind to the poor and the needy and generous in nature,(and fear their Lord), in what they do or do not do of actions and statements. They remember that Allah is watching during all of this and are afraid of His terrifying reckoning in the Hereafter. Therefore, all their affairs are on the straight path and correct, whether they are active or idle, and in all of their affairs, including those that affect others,(And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord`s Face,) They observe patience while staying away from sins and evil deeds, doing so while dedicating themselves to the service of their Lord the Exalted and Most Honored and seeking His pleasure and generous reward,(and perform the Salah), preserving its limits, times, bowing, prostration and humbleness, according to the established limits and rulings of the religion,(and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them,) They spend on those whom they are obliged to spend on them, such as their spouses, relatives and the poor and needy in general,(secretly and openly,) They spend during all conditions and times, whether during the night or the day, secretly and openly,(and repel evil with good) they resist evil with good conduct. When the people harm them they face their harm with good patience, forbearing, forgiveness and pardon. Allah said in another Ayah,(Repel (the evil) with one which is better, then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend. But none is granted it except those who are patient - and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion in this world.)﴿41:34-35﴾ This is why Allah states here that those who have these good qualities, the blessed ones, will earn the final home, which He explained next,(`Adn Gardens), where, `Adn, indicates continuous residence; they will reside in the gardens of everlasting life. Allah said next,(and (also) those who acted righteously from among their fathers, and their wives, and their offspring.) Allah will gather them with their loved ones, from among their fathers, family members and offspring, those who are righteous and deserve to enter Paradise, so that their eyes are comforted by seeing them. He will also elevate the grade of those who are lower, to the grades of those who are higher, a favor from Him out of His kindness, without decreasing the grade of those who are higher up (in Paradise). Allah said in another Ayah,(And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith: to them shall We join their offspring.) ﴿52:21﴾ Allah said next,(And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying): "Salamun `Alaykum (peace be upon you) for you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!``) The angels will enter on them from every direction congratulating them for entering Paradise. The angels will welcome them with the Islamic greeting and commend them for earning Allah`s closeness and rewards, as well as, being admitted into the Dwelling of Peace, neighbors to the honorable Messengers, the Prophets and the truthful believers. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-`As, may Allah be pleased with them both, narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,(Do you know who among Allah`s creation will enter Paradise first) They said, "Allah and His Messenger have more knowledge.`` He said,(The first among Allah`s creation to enter Paradise are the poor emigrants (in Allah`s cause) with whom the outposts (of the land) are secured and the various afflictions are warded off. One of them would die while his need is still in his chest, because he was unable to satisfy it himself. Allah will say to whom He will among His angels, "Go to them and welcome them with the Salam.`` The angels will say, "We are the residence of Your heaven and the best of Your creation, do You command us to go to them and welcome them with the Salam`` Allah will say, "They are My servants who worshipped Me and did not associate anyone or anything with Me in worship. With them, the outposts were secured and the afflictions were warded off. One of them would die while his need is in his chest, unable to satisfy it.`` So the angels will go to them from every gate (of Paradise),) saying,(Salamun `Alaykum (peace be upon you) for you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!)``(25. And those who break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined, and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse, and for them is the unhappy (evil) home (i.e. Hell).)

    Characteristics of the Wretched Ones which will lead to the Curse and the Evil Home
    This is the destination of the Wretched ones and these are their characteristics. Allah mentioned their end in the Hereafter, to contrast the end that the believers earned, since their characteristics were to the opposite of the believer`s qualities in this life. The latter used to keep Allah`s covenant and join that which Allah has ordained on them to join. As for the former, they used to,(break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined, and work mischief in the land,) An authentic Hadith states that,(The signs of a hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise); if you entrust him, he proves to be dishonest.``) In another narration, the Prophet said,(If he enters into a covenant, he betrays it; and if he disputes, he proves to be most quarrelsome.) This is why Allah said next,(on them is the curse,) they will be cast away from Allah`s mercy,(and for them is the unhappy home. ) the evil end and destination,(Their dwelling place will be Hell; and worst indeed is that place for rest.) ﴿13:18﴾(26. Allah increases the provision for whom He wills, and straitens (it for whom He wills), and they rejoice in the life of the world, whereas the life of this world compared to the Hereafter is but a brief passing enjoyment.)

    Increase and Decrease in Provision is in Allah`s Hand
    Allah states that He alone increases the provisions for whom He wills and decreases it for whom He wills, according to His wisdom and perfect justice. So, when the disbelievers rejoice with the life of the present world that was given to them, they do not know that they are being tested and tried. Allah said in other Ayat,(Do they think that in wealth and children with which We enlarge them. We hasten unto them with good things. Nay, but they perceive not.)﴿23:55-56﴾ Allah belittled the life of the present world in comparison to what He has prepared for His believing servants in the Hereafter,(whereas the life of this world compared to the Hereafter is but a brief passing enjoyment.) Allah said in other Ayat,(Say: "Short is the enjoyment of this world. The Hereafter is (far) better for him who has Taqwa, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly even equal to the amount of a Fatila.)﴿4:77﴾ and,(Nay, you prefer the life of this world, although the Hereafter is better and more lasting.)﴿87:16-17﴾ Imam Ahmad recorded that Al-Mustawrid, from Bani Fihr, said that the Messenger of Allah said,(The life of the present world, compared to the Hereafter, is just like when one of you inserts his finger in the sea, so let him contemplate how much of it will it carry.) and he pointed with the index finger. Imam Muslim also collected this Hadith in his Sahih. In another Hadith, the Prophet passed by a dead sheep, whose ears were small, and said,(By Allah! The life of this present world is as insignificant to Allah as this sheep was to its owners when they threw it away.)(27. And those who disbelieved say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord`` Say: "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to Him in repentance.``) (28. Those who believed and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.) (29. Those who believed, and work righteousness, Tuba is for them and a beautiful place of (final) return.)

    Disbelievers ask for Miracles, Allah`s Response to Them
    Allah says that the idolators said,(Why is not), meaning, there should be,(a sign sent down to him from his Lord) The idolators also said,(Let him then bring us an Ayah like the ones (Prophets) that were sent before (with signs)!) ﴿21:5﴾ We mentioned this subject several times before and stated that Allah is able to bring them what they wanted. There is a Hadith which mentions that the idolators asked the Prophet to turn Mount As-Safa into gold and, they also asked him for a spring to gush forth for them and to remove the mountains from around Makkah and replace them with green fields and gardens. Allah revealed to His Messenger : "If You wish, O Muhammad, I will give them what they asked for. However, if they disbelieve thereafter, I will punish them with a punishment that I did not punish any among the `Alamin (mankind and the Jinns). Or, if you wish, I will open for them the door to repentance and mercy.`` The Prophet said,(Rather, open for them the door to repentance and mercy.) This is why Allah said to His Messenger next,(Say: "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to Him in repentance.``) Allah states that He brings misguidance or guidance whether the Messenger was given a sign (a miracle) according to their asking or not. Verily, earning the misguidance or the guidance are not connected to the miracles or the lack of them. Allah said in other Ayat, f(But neither Ayat nor warners benefit those who believe not.) ﴿10:101﴾(Truly, those, against whom the Word of your Lord has been justified, will not believe. Even if every sign should come to them, until they see the painful torment.)﴿10:96-97﴾, and,(And even if We had sent down unto them angels, and the dead had spoken unto them, and We had gathered together all things before their very eyes, they would not have believed, unless Allah willed, but most of them behave ignorantly.) ﴿6:111﴾ Allah said here,(Say: "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to Him in repentance.``) meaning, He guides to Him those who repent, turn to Him, beg Him, seek His help and humbly submit to Him.

    The Believer`s Heart finds Comfort in the Remembrance of Allah
    Allah said,(Those who believed, and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah.) for their hearts find comfort on the side of Allah, become tranquil when He is remembered and pleased to have Him as their Protector and Supporter. So Allah said,(Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.) and surely, He is worthy of it.

    The Meaning of Tuba
    Allah said,(Those who believed, and work righteousness, Tuba is for them and a beautiful place of (final) return.) `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said that Tuba means, "Happiness and comfort or refreshment of the eye.`` `Ikrimah said that Tuba means, "How excellent is what they earned,`` while Ad-Dahhak said, "A joy for them.`` Furthermore, Ibrahim An-Nakh`i said that Tuba means, "Better for them,`` while Qatadah said that it is an Arabic word that means, `you have earned a good thing.` In another narration, Qatadah said that `Tuba for them` means, "It is excellent for them,``(and a beautiful place of return.) and final destination. These meanings for Tuba are all synonymous and they do not contradict one another. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said that a man asked, "O Allah`s Messenger! Tuba for those who saw you and believed in you!`` The Prophet said,(Tuba is for he who saw me and believed in me. Tuba, and another Tuba, and another Tuba for he who believed in me, but did not see me.) A man asked, "What is Tuba`` The Prophet said,(A tree in Paradise whose width is a hundred years, and the clothes of the people of Paradise are taken from its bark.) Al-Bukhari and Muslim recorded that Sahl bin Sa`d said that the Messenger of Allah said,(There is a tree in Paradise, if a rider travels in its shade for one hundred years, he would not be able to cross it.) An-Nu`man bin Abi `Ayyash Az-Zuraqi added, "Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri narrated to me that the Prophet said,(There is a tree in Paradise, if a rider travels in its shade on a fast, sleek horse for one hundred years, he would not be able to cross it.)`` In his Sahih, Imam Muslim recorded that Abu Dharr narrated that the Messenger of Allah said that Allah the Exalted and Most Honored said,(O My slaves! If the first and the last among you, mankind and Jinns among you, stood in one spot and asked Me and I gave each person what he asked, it will not decrease from My dominion, except what the needle decreases (or carries) when entered into the sea.) Khalid bin Ma`ddan said, "There is a tree in Paradise called Tuba, that has breasts that nurse the children of the people of Paradise. Verily, the miscarriage of a woman will be swimming in one of the rivers of Paradise until the Day of Resurrection commences, when he will be gathered with people while forty years of age.`` Ibn Abi Hatim collected this statement.(30. Thus have We sent you to a community before whom other communities have passed away, in order that you might recite unto them what We have revealed to you, while they disbelieve in the Most Gracious (Allah). Say: "He is my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but He! In Him is my trust, and to Him I turn.``)

    Our Prophet was sent to recite and call to Allah`s Revelation
    Allah says, `Just as We sent you, O Muhammad, to your Ummah,(..in order that you might recite unto them what We have revealed to you,) so that you deliver to them Allah`s Message. Likewise, We sent others to earlier nations that disbelieved in Allah. The Messengers whom We sent before you, were also denied and rejected, so you have an example in what they faced. And since We sent Our torment and revenge on those people, then let these people fear what will strike them, for their denial of you is harsher than the denial that the previous Messengers faced,`(By Allah, We indeed sent (Messengers) to the nations before you.)﴿16-63﴾ Allah said in another Ayah,(Verily, many Messengers were denied before you, with patience they bore the denial and suffering until; till Our help reached them, and none can alter the Words (decree) of Allah. Surely, there has reached you the information (news) about the Messengers (before you).)﴿6-34﴾, meaning, `How We gave them victory and granted the best end for them and their followers in this life and the Hereafter. ` Allah said next,(while they disbelieve in the Most Gracious (Allah).) Allah says, `These people, that We sent you to, disbelieve in the Most Gracious and deny Him, because they dislike describing Allah by Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim ﴿the Most Gracious, Most Merciful﴾.` This is why on the day of Al-Hudaybiyyah, as Al-Bukhari narrated, they refused to write, "In the Name of Allah, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim,`` saying, "We do not know Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim!`` Qatadah narrated this words. Allah the Exalted said,(Say: "Invoke Allah or invoke the Most Gracious (Allah), by whatever name you invoke Him, for to Him belong the Best Names.) ﴿17:110﴾ In his Sahih, Imam Muslim recorded that `Abdullah bin `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,(The most beloved names to Allah the Exalted are: `Abdullah and `Abdur-Rahman.)Allah said next,(Say: "He is my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but He!``) meaning: for I believe in Allah in Whom you disbelieve and affirm His Divinity and Lordship. He is my Lord, there is no deity worthy of worship except Him,(In Him is my trust,) in all of my affairs,(and to Him I turn.) meaning: to Him I return and repent, for He alone is worthy of all this and none else besides Him.(31. And if there had been a Qur`an with which mountains could be moved (from their places), or the earth could be cloven asunder, or the dead could be made to speak (it would not have been other than this Qur`an). But the